Find Your Signature Style with Greenleaf
One of the most personal things you own is your signature. Your distinctive flourish identifies you and only you, and for someone to copy your signature is a challenge. Grace Collection is pleased to offer you an opportunity to find another exciting signature by which others can recognise you. So, let’s open the doors wide for you to search for your new signature style.
What is unique to your home is the fragrance you choose and the room in which you choose to place it, making that space feel inviting, cosy, and a representation of you. You will find the perfect match for your individual style among our range of stunning Greenleaf Signature Candles. Our clear glass, hobnail textured jar with a silver lid is an elegant addition to any room in your home.
Light a few aquamarine Seaspray Signature Candles in your living room or patio for a blissful kiss from the sea while your guests enjoy your company and a delicious cup of tea. Our Seaspray fragrance evokes memories of beach trips with family and friends, salty air thrills and reminds you and your guests that our chilly winter won’t last forever. Did you know that Greenleaf distinguishes itself by manufacturing candles that use cotton or paper wicks that are free of lead and zinc and they use a Soy-blend wax formulated for maximum performance with their in-house manufactured fragrances.
Here are a few tips for using these gorgeous candles:
- always trim the wick to about 60mm
- keep the candle on a level surface away from draughts
- always burn within sight
- try to avoid allowing debris to drop into the wax
- allow the wax to pool to the edge of the glass before blowing out the flame
- when the wax level reaches 60mm, extinguish the flame and recycle the beautiful container
The burn time for a Signature Candle is between 90 and 100 hours. Such great value, we say.
The exciting bouquet of Greenleaf fragrances for you to explore at any of our supplier stores includes Cucumber and Lily, Magnolia, Dahlia and White Musk, Urban Vanille and many more. Not only can you identify your style by fragrance, but you can also identify it by design and colour. From the Persian carpet colours of Cider Grove to the artistic flair of Gooseberry and Fig, you will see that their chic Sachet envelopes come in an exquisite pattern range.
To complement your chosen style, all Greenleaf fragrances are available as Large, Slim or Small Sachets, as Petite Candles, Room Sprays or Reed Diffusers. Our Reed Diffuser Replacement Oil can be added to your Reed Diffuser as needed to refresh your favourite fragrance, making your signature style last longer. For anyone looking for and alternative flameless fragrance to enjoy on a budget, Greenleaf’s Home Fragrance Oil heated in a warmer bowl, is the ideal answer. More great value from Grace Collection.
Create a conversation between your house and you and whoever crosses the threshold with your personal signature style. Establish a lasting impression on others by trusting your instincts and Grace Collection to find the scents that identify you.